
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

My future job

  I dream about being an international journalist, and by that I mean, being a correspondent who is capable of capturing moments of world concern and democratize all the knowledge that I acquire about it. I think I would love to do an outdoor work as much as an indoor work, because I want to be outside searching for all the truths, and then go to an office to write about it or edit all of the media that I got, so I can tell people all the information that I learn. Since three years ago, I've been making my path to get there by studying journalism, but I want to continue my studies in a foreign university and specialize myself in audiovisual journalism. When I entered the university I wanted to specialize myself in politics, but in my years doing my studies, I´ve discovered that all of the work that comes out about it only arrives to the privileged ones, the ones who understand about politics. Besides, I fell in love with the audiovisual area, that's why I want to specialize m
  I have always wanted to meet Madonna, ever since I was a little girl I have admired this woman. She is an American singer who has made history in the pop culture and in the music industry.  I remember listening to her music on VH1 every day and becoming obsessed with every song that appeared on it. La isla bonita, Like a prayer, Papa Don't preach and many more have left a on marc my childhood, but when my teenage days came I remember getting obsessed with the Erotica album. Anyway, it's undeniable that this woman is an ICON. I admire the capacity that she has to go from one music gender to another completely different. She has passed easily through Pop music to Reggaeton, and she has broken many gender´s stereotypes. I think that one of the reasons that she achieved all of her goals is because of her strong personality, and this part made me very proud, because I believe that the personality is based on astrology and we both have Leo sun and Virgo rising, so we are practicall